- Co-Founder & Co-Director, International Research Collaborative of Established and Emerging Scholars (IRCEES) in Educational Technology, 2016-present
- President, Culture, Learning and Technology Division, Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT), 2016-2017
- President-Elect, Culture, Learning and Technology Division, Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT), 2015-2016
- Board Member-at-Large (Publications), Culture, Learning and Technology Division, Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT), 2013-2015
- Publications Chair, Minorities in Media, Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT), 2012-2012
- Training and Performance Representative, Board of Directors, AECT, 2008-2009
- Immediate-Past-President, Training and Performance Division, AECT, 2006-2007
- President, Training and Performance Division, AECT, 2005-2006
- President-Elect, Training and Performance Division, AECT, 2004-2005
- Vice-President Communications, Training and Performance Division, AECT, 2003-2004
- Member-at-Large, Training and Performance Division, AECT, 2001-2003.
University of Alabama
- Moderator, Faculty Workshop Series: Promoting Student Success in Large Enrollment Courses, Project Rising Tide, 2017-present
- Chair, Academic Issues Committee, College of Education, 2017-2018
- Co-Chair, Faculty and Senate Governance Committee, Faculty Senate, 2017 – present
- Chair, Effective Campus Wide Academic Support Task Force, Project Rising Tide, 2015-2018
- Chair, Faculty and Staff Development Committee, Black Faculty and Staff Association, 2014-2018
- Co-Director, Technology Education, Office of Research on Teaching in the Disciplines, University of Alabama, 2007-present
- Secretary, Academic Issues Committee, College of Education, 2015-2016
- Chair, Instructional Technology Search Committee, College of Education, 2011-2012
- Program Coordinator, Instructional Technology Program, University of Alabama, 2010 – 2012
- Steering Committee, Faculty Senate, 2017- present
- Intercollegiate Athletics Committee, 2016- present
- Program Review Committee, Department of Gender and Race Studies, 2015-2016
- QEP Experiential Learning Course Certification Team, 2014-2016
- Distance Learning Committee, Fall 2011-
- Advisory Board, McNair Scholars Program, Fall 2008-2012
- Alternate, Faculty Senate, 2007 – 2011
- Campus Non-Medical IRB, 2008-2009
- Library Committee, Fall 2006
- Academic Issues Committee, 2014- present
- Strategic Plan Committee, Fall 2013-Spring 2014
- Distance Learning Committee, Fall 2011-Spring 2013
- Faculty Issues Committee, 2007 – 2014
- Search Committees (15), 2009-present
- Tenure and Promotion Committee, 2009-present
- Search Committees – University of Alabama (16)
- Vice-President and Associate Provost, Academic Affairs, 2016-2017
- Mentor, Tide Together Graduate Student Mentor Program, 2010-2012
- Member, Black Faculty and Staff Association (BFSA), 2006-present